About Us
Our Savior's Lutheran Church
is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and part of a dual parish with Bethany Lutheran Church in Pueblo.
We are located in Pueblo West
275 West John Powell Boulevard
Pueblo West, Colorado 81007
Church Office | 719-547-2300
Join us on Sundays
Bible Study | 8AM
Sunday Worship | 9AM
What to expect in Worship
The worship service at Our Savior’s can be described as “traditional” or “liturgical.” In worship we have the opportunity to offer our prayers and praises to God, but the main event is what God does for us! During worship we hear God’s promise of forgiveness declared to us as we hear the Scriptures read, and we hear the Good News of Jesus preached.
Each week we also receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. In Holy Communion we believe Jesus is truly present in, with, and under the bread and wine of Holy Communion and when we receive Him, we receive His forgiveness!